You’ve probably seen them by now, but just in case (and just in case you feel like discussing), we’ve post the results of all the Brooklyn City Council races yesterday on the jump. In some of the races most relevant to Brownstoner-land, Tish James, Brad Lander, Al Vann, Charles Barron, Sara Gonzalez, Vincent Gentile and Mathieu Eugene all emerged victorious.
2009 NYC General Election Returns [NY1]
Photo by Susan NYC

District 33: Steven Levin (91%)
District 34: Diane Reyna (60%)
District 35: Letitia James (92%)
District 36: Al Vann (64%)
District 37: Erik Dilan (86%)
District 38: Sara Gonzalez (82%)
District 39: Brad Lander (70%)
District 40: Mathieu Eugene (94%)
District 41: Darlene Mealy (96%)
District 42: Charles Barron (93%)
District 43: Vincent Gentile (60%)
District 44: Simcha Felder (uncontested)
District 45: Jumaane Williams (77%)
District 46: Lewis Fidler (79%)
District 47: Domenic Recchia (88%)
District 48: Michael Nelson (90%)

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  1. Snappy;

    Good point. Cancel the firemen call. Please call for the nubile nurses with the burn ointment. Come to think of it, I’ve got burns all over. Two nurses will be needed for this job!

  2. “OK, Benson, now you’re being disingenuous. First you extol the virtues of building a firehouse, and then propose we have too many fireman.”


    Not at all. I’m not making any statement regarding the number of firemen, as I have no expertise in that area. What I am saying is that if the Mayor cuts the number of firemen, and the level of fatalities does not rise, then he has done a good thing. It is up to the executive, NOT the unions, to make this call. He’s the one who is accountable on this issue.

    Regardless of the proper number of firemen, I would want them to have top-notch facilities. In my mind, the issues are separate.

  3. benson- and you are like the ostrich who would rather stick his head in the sand, I say you know very little about how and why the Fire Dept. works. You also might ask yourself why fires are crime are down. Maybe it has to do with all the changes and hard work of FDNY and NYPD? Nor have you taken into consideration the changes needed to deal with the future- ie terrorism, hi rise fires, etc. It isn’t fearmongering and it isn’t union greed. But maybe if you have a fire or you’re a victim of crime, you’ll finally get it. Or maybe you’ll attend a cop or FF funeral. Or see the face of someone who was burned in the line of duty. How about Stephen McDonald? Remember him? I’m done.

    MM- good answer
    soprano, Amen Choir.

  4. Note to Brownstoner Parents:

    If you feel that the NYC education is not provided the best education to your child it’s your responsibility to ensure that your child gets what he/she needs. You can start by voting! In may case I hired a tutor twice a week. I took the time to figure out what my child was not getting in school that I felt he needed and I am making sure that he now gets it. I too think that there is to much time focused on test but you can’t through the baby out with the bath water. The schools are in better condition then they were in the 80′ and 90’s and are heading in the right direction. It will get better when parents take more responsibility for the education of their children instead of pushing it all on the city of NY.

  5. MM-“Real learning involves honing the cognitive processes that allow us to figure things out, make deductive leaps so necessary in the sciences, math,engineering, etc. It enables us to express ourselves decently, even argue intelligently on a blog. Real learning encourages kids to go farther and do their own research, own further reading, or experiments. It stimulates the brain…”

    All true but public education in NYC (on a macro level) today is so far from this type of goal that it isnt relevant IMHO -upwards of 50% of the kids don’t even graduate H.S.(and that is an improvement!!) .

    First you have to teach the kids to read, write, basic math and some understanding of civics. The type of “higher” education you espouse is really for college level or in a system that provides the basic building blocks to a much higher percentage of its students.

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