This South Slope frame house sure is purdy. The four-story, two-family place looks to be in excellent shape and chock full o’ architectural details. The config is owner’s triplex over garden level floor-thru. The rental generates $1,850 a month. Our emails to Betancourt went unreturned so we don’t know the address, but this should be a pretty easy one for readers to figure out. Without knowing a little more about the location, it’s hard to comment on the $1,450,000 asking price.
South Slope Two-Family [Betancourt] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. Shahn,

    According to that zoning map, Park Slope ends on the north side at President Street. Anybody here go along with that ruling?

    I don’t think City Planning was trying to create the definitive boundaries of Park Slope there. Their system appears to be to name each zoning project after a neighborhood, and as 95% of this one is in Park Slope, makes sense to call it Park Slope. But 4th Avenue, a four-lane wide highway, is a common-sense geographic boundary, just like Flatbush on the north. That said, this block is just as nice as many on the Slope side of 4th, so tomato/tomahto as far as whether it’s a good place to live.

    But I think there’s a point to being a stickler for neighborhood names, even if they’re arbitrary, snobby and disagreed on, because otherwise real estate agents will have even more license to stretch the boundaries and con people.

  2. Park Sloper,

    I wish $1850 was reasonable in today’s rental market, because I own a house a block closer to the park with a 1BR rental, but I bet I could only get $1500 or so for it. Either that, or my tenant is getting an even better deal than I realize.

  3. 229 11th Street.
    And noone from the wrong side of 4th Avenue is allowed to cross over to other side of avenue for any reason and it is punishable by death if claim to live in Park Slope or associate in person with citizen of Park Slope.

  4. wow, too bad the furniture doesn’t come with it. i love the nursery. not to pry, but why are these people selling? it looks like a lovely home. is the school zone not park slope?

  5. Anyone who says that 11th Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues isn’t Park Slope clearly knows more than the Department of City Planning.

    Remember them? The agency that determines what zoning is allowed in what neighborhood? Their rezoning of Park Slope in 2003 went all the way down to 3rd Avenue and 15th Street. I’m going with their definition of a neighborhood. How about you?

  6. True OE, and the comment re worst quarter over quarter doesn’t necessarily equate to a drop in prices, rather a drop in increase in prices if you read the data. No one’s going to be getting an half priced townshouses anytime soon…if ever.

  7. I don’t know why people are so protective of the term Park Slope. Yes, this place is definitely on the verge, but if it’s one block away from a subway station used by thousands of Park Slopers every day, I think it’s close enough.

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