With the recent renting of Royal Video, the construction in the old Dunkin Donuts spot, and the arrival of a grocer/deli on Flatbush Avenue, we wondered if that stretch of Flatbush was picking up. When we walked down Flatbush Avenue a year ago from Dean Street to Prospect Place we found nine empty storefronts in those three blocks. This year, the tally has been one-upped to ten empty storefronts in the same three blocks. There is some construction at 239 Flatbush, and the eating establishments we mentioned are moving in, but that’s still a notable amount of unused space for what’s a pretty high-traffic stretch.
Lots of Stores for Rent on Flatbush [Brownstoner]

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. Commercial Retail is dead. Whi is going to pay for parking and gas to buy something that is more expensive because of renting, taxes and personnel? People buy off the internet to avoid taxes and other added on costs that you find at your local retail store.

  2. Bryanx is right, that’s the one and only reason: commercial rents on Flatbush are too ridiculously high. Also there are stupid tax break in NYC for commercial landlords that actually gives them more incentive to let a storefront stay empty than to rent it out more cheaply. That tax break needs to go away forever; it creates blight.

  3. “…still a notable amount of unused space for what’s a pretty high-traffic stretch”

    Landlords not right-sizing rent downwards in this continuing street retail horror show. Just a guess.

  4. You just missed me then.

    Picked up a sandwich, jar of pickles, gelato and 3 different cheeses and 2 different types of crackers. Oh, and almonds.


  5. muffins and scones are not all there is to a bakery, there is no cake.

    p.s. walked past Brooklyn Larder at 5:15 on a Friday — EMPTY.

  6. You seem to have a beef, 11217, but not about the valid point I raised which is that there is no bakery on this stretch of Flatbush.

    As for Brooklyn Larder, I don’t care if there are 1,000 rave reviews (which there are not), it is overpriced for what it is. End of story.

    P.S. Cousin John’s is not close to the corner of Flatbush & Bergen, Blue Sky is not a bakery and closes at 3, and I have never heard of Cake Ambiance. Don’t know about the other 2 you happen to mention (but have no names for).

    Regarding being bitter, I’m not. I just choose not to overpay for my food. if you do, that’s your problem.

  7. “That’s neither here nor there about what is served at Franny’s or Brklyn Larder (can’t stand the way this is spelled).”

    Maybe because every time, you’ve spelled it incorrectly.

    It’s BKLYN Larder.

    And out of the 53 reviews on Yelp (a huge number, given it’s been open less than a year) 37 reviews are either 4 or 5 stars.

    Still can’t quite figure out why you think Franny’s is doing poorly since they’ve been open for nearly 7 years and consistently have very long wait times for a table.

    I don’t care if you like them or not, I just think you sound bitter about it, that’s all.

    And you need to do a google search, because there are about 5 other bakeries within a 1/2 mile of here. Blue Sky Bakery…the one on Park Place, Cake Ambiance on Flatbush and Park, Cousin John’s as I said. They are all over the place.

  8. quote:
    Side note: If you ever want to run into Maggie Gyllenhaal, I’ve seen her at least 3 times in the past couple months at BKLYN Larder. She loves that place

    i saw her once in person jogging in park slope. she looked like shit on a stick. and i always though she was kinda cute! i guess the wonders of make up and hollywood..


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