Last night the City Planning Commission presented its proposal for the rezoning of Boerum Hill at a Community Board 2 public hearing, ultimately garnering approval from the board’s land-use committee. The rezoning covers 31 blocks from Court Street to 4th Avenue, and Pacific to Warren/Wyckoff. The neighborhood will be rezoned R6B, R6A and R7A. R6B has a maximum height of 50 feet after setback, R6A a max height of 70 feet after setback, and R7A is 80 feet max after setback. The boundary of the area is currently zoned R6 with a FAR up to 3. Under the new zoning, there will also be commercial overlays for mixed-use sections of Bergen and 3rd Avenue. (You can see the whole presentation here.) The only person who spoke out against the downzoning declared, “Brooklyn is really expensive!” He said imposing height limitations results in the creation of fewer apartments, driving up rents. However, the CB2 land-use committee voted in favor of downzoning. The proposal will now move on to the full board for review, after which it heads to the Planning Commission and ultimately the City Council for consideration.
Wheels in Motion for Boerum Hill Rezoning [Brownstoner]
Boerum Hill Looks to Downzone [Brownstoner]
Update on Boerum Hill Rezoning [Brownstoner]
Carroll Gardens Rezoning Close, Boerum Hill Wants In [Brownstoner]

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  1. To Bergenblonde-
    zoning rules include how much of the lot you can build on(with some exceptions). the rear lot requirement in most R6 is 30 feet from the back lot line. there is some exception for community uses and corner and side lots. I don’t know all the exceptions. The green donut is an issue when people try to build extensions but they are allowed as long as they stay 30 feet from the back line.

  2. Sorry to be dense but are there any restrictions on how far BACK someone can build? Some of the lots in this area go back 100ft and lots of interest in building back, and blocking out light and greenery.

  3. I think because Atlantic Yards is going in, it makes it even more necessary for rezoning the residential blocks west of 4th Avenue.

  4. I wonder if this piecemeal-by-CB approach to rezoning is ideal. After all, Atlantic Yards is going up right across the street from this newly downzoned district. Seems a little shortsighted to think it’s possible or worth attempting to preserve the character (such as it is) of say, Pacific between 3rd and 4th.

  5. In my opinion, the Boerum Hill boundary should follow the CD boundary, with the 2 housing blocks being in Gowanus, and the other blocks north of Warren being in Boerum Hill.

    This is consistent with what the Boerum Hill Association says:

    Cobble Hill gets the blocks west of Hoyt and South of Warren.

    On the other hand, I don’t feel too strongly about those lines, and don’t loose any sleep over the fact that others have different definitions.

  6. “Brooklyn is really expensive”

    That was me. Not sure who Pete is but I’m guessing we’d might agree on a few things. For the record, not one member of the community spoke in favor of the rezoning. If you leave out board members, reporters and the architects looking to get building mod approvals, I think tehre was only one other community member in the audience.

  7. we know that, just has always been a sidelight on borders, not relevant to zoning, just saying…. How far down Hoyt does ‘Boerum Hill’ go, in your opinion….